Perfect Dark could possibly be the best first-person-shooter ever created.

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark N64
Perfect Dark. The title alone....somewhat intriguing. Perfect Dark in my opinion has still surpassed every FPS ever created. Perfect Dark has exceeded in every aspect, not only with the spectacular Solo Missions, but very much so in the Multiplayer mode. Don't let Perfect Dark's somewhat odd storyline confuse you, for it's made up for with its spectacular gameplay, impressive graphics (for its time), great sound, and everything it has to offer. This game truly is one of my favorite games just because of how awesome it is. You can literally play this game forever, and never get bored. First, lets talk about the solo missions, and some of the neat feautres you can do.
Playing in the Solo Missions will take you through the story of Perfect Dark - and you will play as Joanna....Carrington's best agent. The story has to do with Datadyne and the Skedar, and some things don't go well, and you're caught in the middle as Carrington Institutes star agent to fix the problems. You then get yourself in trouble as well, accessing datadyne files you're not supposed to, and eventually get into an even larger hassle. Eventually you kill the main Skedar leader, and the game ends.......or does it? Of course not...the game story may be complete...but you've just started the fun. Now you can complete the game through Special Agent and Perfect Agent, and beating certain missions in special times to unlock many cheats. There are also a few bonus missions that can be unlocked for a little extra fun such as Blonde's Revenge...nice bonus.
Next, lets talk big...I'm talkin multiplayer.
The multiplayer in Perfect Dark even surpasses the extremely popular 007 Goldeneye. The cleverness in the Perfect Dark multiplayer engine makes the playing funner than ever. Now you can select custom weapons and choose any weapon you would like. You can also design your own character my trying out different heads and bodies. Then you can save your character and build stats and compare to your buddies. The neat feautures in multiplayer that I thought were rather interesting are:
1. Simulants - You can now add computer AI opponents to fight. The AI in these characters depends on what level you have them as. You can have easy simulants, known as MeatSims or EasySims, or you can go all the way across to the HardSims, PerfectSims, and DarkSims. Or, you can add special aspects to each simulant, such as RevengeSim, which takes revenge on the last player that killed him. TurtleSim, as you guessed, starts out with a very strong shield. Then you can have PeaceSims, WildSims etc. that each have a specific attribute that makes them different from others. The AI in this game also is not as cheesy as you might think. Choosing a MeatSim though, you know that he's not going to be that bright. You can also team up your human buddies with simulants or simulant teams and fight against each other, which also adds a fun little game of its own.
2. Just Downright Cool Stuff - There are so many nifty things in this multiplayer part of the game that make every moment awesome. You can select which songs you want to play, have paintball shells, one-hit-kills, slowmotion (also available with Smart - a version where it only gets slow when your near an opponent), highlighted characters, and lets not forget the weapons.
3. The Weapons - There are so many weapons to choose from in this game. Unlike Goldeneye, you can custom select each weapon you want to spawn in the game. In certain locations you can have whatever weapon you want to spawn there for that game. Now then, when you first start playing your multiplayer game, you might realize theres not that many weapons...which is true. If you move your stick to the right a few times you'll come up to a screen showing missions. Missions in multiplayer? Yea, you heard it...missions. Beating each missions unlock special things in multiplayer...and one of those things is unlocking special weapons such as the Devastator, Farsight XR-220, the Reaper, the Slayer, etc. But lets not forget, you already start out with about 20 weapons with about 15 miscellaneous grenades, mines, shields, cloaking devices, combat boosts etc. etc.
Now, there are so many more options in the multiplayer available. I don't have time to write everything down so...why don't you get your ole N64 and start playing yourself aye?
Now then, we all know, what I've written above was good....but what about the bad? Here it comes ole buddies:
Well, I do this in about all my reviews, and I like to keep my traditions so...heres my list in what I don't like about Perfect Dark.

1. Perfect Dark.....well to be honest with you....theres absolutely NOTHING wrong with this game...why else do you think I gave it a 10/10 aye? The only slightly remote thing I might recognize would be the dated graphics but....I'm writing this as in that time frame so.....the graphics were good. Sorry you people that didn't like this game, I love it.
Now the statistic corner. This gameplay is sweet, the graphics are good, the sound is extremely well designed, and now...since you can't even buy know you're getting yourself a deal if you CAN buy it! I love this game...its just really that good.
Now then, this game can be tricky at some parts, but for the most part is pretty fun and pretty easy...which is always good. It doesn't take long to learn to play this game either. Even my dad can play this game.
So there you have it....pretty of my favorite games of the best if not the best ever.