Perfect Dark is the pseudo-sequel to Rare's phenomenal shooter, Goldeneye, and this game is the best shooter of its generation, possibly of all time. It takes all the elements that made Goldeneye such a great success, namely the gameplay, graphics, and multiplayer and improves upon all elements. First off is the compelling single player campaign. It has well developed mission of greatly varying location and environmental obstacles. Also for each mission there is a set of different difficulty levels, each adding new objectives and tougher enemies, giving this game a large amount of replay value. Another great feature of this game is the impressive arsenal of weaponry. Each weapon has both a primary and secondary fires that each have their own strategic uses. This game takes the superb control scheme straight out of Goldeneye with only a few minor modifications for the addition of new features. But the greatest part about this game is its multiplayer. There are a massive number of maps drawing from the single player campaign and multiplayer maps from Goldeneye as well. In this game there are a multitude of game types from Deathmatch, to Capture the Case (CTF), to King of the Hill. Also, you can include computer controlled bots ranging from MeatSim to PerfectSim, and specialty bots like RocketSim who will search out any rocket launcher on the map and a TurtleSim will is slower but has a powerful shield to make up for this disadvantage. There are also a set of simulation missions that put you in many different situations that will be a challenge for anyone. This is definitely the greatest FPS on the N64 and probably the best of all time.
Perfect Dark is the spiritual successor to developer Rare’s hit shooter, Goldeneye 007. Goldeneye set the standard for multiplayer First Person Shooters on consoles and will go down in history as one of the best First Pe... Read Full Review
PERFECT DARK - N64 - : To say that this is a game that you either love or hate just doesn't do it justice. My p.o.v. is that you either love this game or you simply haven't played it enough! From the splendid an... Read Full Review