This game is basically a 007’s continuity, but with a better multiplayer and a lady playing the role instead.
Just like any game, I paid attention on the graphics, sound, controllability, learning curve (I hadn’t played that yet, so I was giving the very first steps) and the general game’s difficulty. I was amaze, the game would surely take a high rate (my opinion). The graphics are well elaborated, with ‘high-resolution’ as an option lol (You must have that ‘expansion pack’, if this is the name, I don’t remember… it’s a reddish thing you insert at the front of the console. Otherwise, you can just play against bots on the multiplayer mode without the high-res. mode turned on and nothing else.). The sound is nice, as well as the music and the guns… some of them have different hearable effects ^^ (notwithstanding, some guns remind 007’s… the Rareware’s assortment is not that wide, right?). The controllability is the same as GoldenEye’s, and you can play simultaneously with two Joysticks, what’s (in my opinion) something unhackneyed, useless, and somehow too complicated. The game modes are nice too, with some new modes never seen before: Play together or against a friend on multiplayer mode (some stages are similar to Goldeneye’s. Yes, this game is basically a 007’s continuity); Train your aim in the marksmanship mode, downstairs in the Carrington Institute level; Play against bots and unlock new Multiplayer modes an so on.
PF in a few words: A nice game, but if you don’t like shooter type games (especially for Nintendo 64), you should do something else. If you like the genre, I ensure that you’ll bump into hours of shootouts and entertainment ^^. I had, why wouldn’t you?