Perfect Dark is perfect, as Duke Nukem Forever will take forever. I can't name 1 in game flaw. Best game ever.
One of the only games I would ever give a perfect score to, Perfect Dark.
Ok, first of all, the title of the game really best represents the game itself. It's *Perfect* Dark!
Fun fact: I'm not too old, so I can't say that I have memories of other old games like the first Super Mario Brothers, but this is one of the games I can remember. You know what I remember? This game sucked (At least, that's what I USED to think)! It was way to scary, way to complex, and the missions were soooooo hard!
Now that I'm older, I can understand the many multi-player customizable options, I can read the mission objectives, and I'm scared much less easily. Guess "M" games aren't meant for 6 year olds XD.
Ok now on to the actual game.
Concept: It's basically a first person shooter, with 007 style missions that require gadgets, stealth, and there are a few puzzles. If you've played 007 Goldeneye, you know what your getting into. I suppose you could say it's a sole sequel to it (It even has a few Goldeneye inspired weapons, was made by rare, and had multi-player stages from Goldeneye too that could be unlocked).
One of the most important part of any first person shooter is guns:
This was around the point when games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty were coming out, so first person shooters were gaining popularity. Since the games were becoming so realistic, they were losing creativity. Thankfully Perfect Dark had plenty of awesome, mega cool weapons at your disposal (And you could hold all of them in your inventory instead of just 2 like in Halo or something)! My favorites include the Farsite, which is a sniper that can lock on to enemies through walls, and kill them with one instant kill shot, unless you have a full shield, the Magnum, which is super acurate, really strong, can shoot through thin walls, and is the only non-heavy weapon that can kill with one headshot.
Others include a machine gun that can shoot grenades as well, a gun that can be deployed on any surface as a turret, and a pistol that shoots explosive bullets!
Graphics/Sound: These are THE best graphics on the N64. The graphics were so good, they needed a expansion pack!
The motions all look real, and the textures on the guns and characters are awesome, and fit the game to a T.
The voices are also very accurate, and fit all the characters perfect. You got all your classic sound effects, like a gut tearing drill, a bone breaking bullet boom, a building crashing explosion,
and brain busting lazers.
Controls: You move and turn with the joystick, you look up and strafe with the C-Buttons, open doors and switch weapon modes with the B button, switch weapons with A, aim with R, and Fire with the Z trigger. It all works pretty well, I just wish there was rumble support.
Story: It's your classic Alien VS Human story line (Although it goes the way of Halo showing that some aliens are with the Humans), and it's not really too impressive. Although the characters personalities fit them really well and so do their voices. Oh, and you play as a girl, a really, kick a** girl too.
Good summary: It's a wonderful shooter with LOADS of awesome weapons that no shooter can match today, good controls, great graphics, characters, and the Multi-player is superb, probably the best Multi-player ever.
Bad Summary: Uhh... hmm... well... uhh... this it tough. I did say the story wasn't too great right?... Well your gonna have to pay for it and open the case so that's a pain... you need to buy a expansion pack too... And it doesn't let you use rumble packs...
The end: A must have for any first person shooter fan, that wasn't too innovative, but put everything together with totally customizable matches, AWESOME weapons, and it's too bad this game doesn't get enough respect due to 007 Goldeneye stealing the show (Even though Perfect Dark is better).
All in all, BUT THIS GAME!
10/10, 5 stars, 100/100, Perfect.