Excellent FPS. Only game that can match the excellent Goldeneye 007 on the N64.
User Rating: 8.5 | Perfect Dark N64
GREAT GAME, IF YOU HAVE A N64, GO BUY IT. I don't see why you would be still stuck on a N64 with all these better systems out there. You got the better 360 game (only in the term of graphics, as far as gameplay goes and story, PD on the N64 is way better in those departments). Also, i recommend getting PD0 on the 360. Hopefully they will not be stupid and make another friggin prequel. They will make a sequel and show us what happened after Jo killed the Skedar King. I want to know about Carrington Institute and what happened. Did they meet the Maian's like they had hoped, or did Carrington become a bum, and everybody is a low-key agent and all that. I would really like to know.