One of the best and most classic shooters on the Nintendo 64.
Perfect Dark's story centers around a professional agent named Joanna Dark (Code named Perfect Dark, who woulda thought?), Joanna works as an agent for the agency institute named Carrington Institute, named after it's founder and Joanna's boss named Daniel Carrington. after booting up the game, the Rare symbol rotates in and out of darkness with some interesting and awesome dark music, After that the N64 logo shows up and rotates as the camera goes into a side view of it, the N cube turns into a blue and fancy N with the title in front of it, after this, we are treated to a cutscene of a dropship flying in between buildings in the streets of.... um, wherever we are. Carrington starts giving you the info on the objectives of you're mission: Infiltrate a DataDyne building (DataDyne: Carrington's rival corperation) get a necklace key (Jo asks if their all "Expendable" and then she is told that she cant kill the owner of the key, dammit man!) and go and get a guy named Dr. Pepper, er, I mean Dr. Carrol. Later on you meet an alien with a giant grey head called a Maian (Not one of the most original parts of the game) named Protecter one, but he says for you to call him ELVIS (But he can't sing) and then you get into a dillema with an alien race called the Skedar (which all look like bigger versions of Zerglings from Starcraft.) but even though the voice acting is superb and the story is pretty good, after a playthrough or two you'll just want to shoot stuff.
Now there are a few shining aspects of this game that make it stand out, the first is that you can still screw around after you fail a mission, for example: on a mission where you're on the Air Force One (A level oh-so-cleverly named Air Force One) where you're trying to save the president from being killed by a guy in a red coat and a stupid looking tries-to-be-badass-but-fails-miserably look on his non-animated face that never moves named Trenchcoat Easton (A.K.A Trent Easton) you can shoot the president and continue the mission, of course, you can't complete it and the plane will fly for the rest of eternity, or at least untill the game burns an image in the screen and makes your game system explode. and just a little thing I have to touch on: The president doesn't have any name except for "Mr. President". Best name ever, ya know?
Anyway, another thing that makes it stand out is that it has full-on voice acting, now this isn't all that amazing today, but back then, the only other game that really did have full-on voice acting was Star Fox 64, this was a huge jump for rare as well, as Goldeneye did not have any voice acting, but this actually became a trade mark for Rare, as every game that followed that was created by them had full-on voice acting (Ex: Conker's Bad Fur Day)
Now for the multiplayer aspect, Multiplayer in this game is called "Combat Simulator" (also Known as Deathmatch in 2020, during the course of Perfect Dark Zero) In combat simulator, you have a TON of customizable stuff, you can pick what soundtracks you want to be played during the match, you can choose a unique game type, you can choose from around six teams, you can name the teams, you can pay with up to 8 bots, you can customize up to around 7 different weapons that will appear on the map in certain locations (The weapon selection is huge, over about 30 weapons are in the game) you can customize what you and the bots look like (Even though you can't save the bot's appearances) and then save you're profile, appearance and name, you can customize other options like paintball mode and one shot kills. theres just tons of stuff you can customize.
The multiplayer itself is jsut as good as it sounds, the AI is great and you'll be in some intense firefights, you can even use a bit of stealth here and there (Sometimes a bot will come up behind you and disarm you, take your gun and kill you with it) theres lots of advantage points and its just as fun as hell.
now of course this game does have it's flaws, one small one that may bother you a little is that you can't see when someone is throwing a punch in multiplayer, so a guy could run up to you and suddenly you're vision will blur from being punched, you'll look around you to see who's punching you while the guy pummels you and makes you're vision more blurry than if you were a retarded drunk on pot, then you die because the guy that ran up to you was actually the one punching you.
now I could go over a bunch of other little flaws, but theres none that will completely ruin the experience and therefore they are not worth mentioning, so over all Perfect Dark is a great and fun experience with great voice acting, great action and AI and some badass weaponry. I highly recommend you get this game if you like great, classic shooters.