Well ofcourse this version of the Amazing N64 FPS game, is sadly lacking well, lets start, Graphics, Sounds, Story, etc. they should of made it a little bite easier to, cause it sure is a chalange. Its fine if you are a die hard Perfect Dark fan and you go on alot of trips, and own a GameBoy Color, or if your constently getting grounded by your aprents for being glued to that Tele, and if you go straght to your room angry and pissed off and want to kill your self but, wait! you still ahve your GBC and Perfect Dark for that! w00t!!!!!!
Perfect Dark for the Game Boy Color is no where near the level of greatness that is Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64. But no matter what, you should own this game. It adds tons of new content to Perfect Dark for the N64 ... Read Full Review
I borrowed this game from a friend years back, and he said he couldn't complete it - it was too hard for him. Being an avid gamer, and.. playing too much for my own good :/ i enjoyed a challenge. I managed to complete... Read Full Review