A great game that acts and looks like a next gen game!

User Rating: 8.9 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Gameplay: This is game is very easy to get into. The guns all feel very different from one another and although the AI is somewhat weak, there are plenty of exicting firefights.

Graphics: This game looks like a next gen game even on a standard TV. The guns look amazing as do many of the environments. The NPC's actions look very realilistic. However, the cut scenes don't look like anything that hasn't already been done.

Sound: The music to this game is some of the best I've ever heard, mixing in elements of techno and rock. Explosions and guns sound awesome as do the environments, esipically if you have surrond sound. Unfortunatley the voice acting is very cheezy and boring.

Value: you'll breeze through PDZ quite quickly at the easiest diffuciulty setting but it become more challenging with higher difficulty. The multiplay has much to offer including: Xbox live, cooperative play, and plenty of splitscreens and bot battles.

Conclusion: one of the best xbox360 launch titles to start your next gen console gaming!