The launch game for the 360. while the single player isnt all that good. multiplayer and co-op make it all worht it.

User Rating: 9 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
there was allot said about this game, some good some bad. my magazine gave it a 7.0 while others gave it 9.0 or somewhere around that. that was probibally because they didnt play the game on xbox live yet.

allright before multiplayer there was the single player. some people think this is more important that the MP and that it will allways be that. but actually the single player in PDZ is not all that good.
You play as Joanna Dark she is the son of Jak Dark they run a little bounty hunter operation, they are backed up by Chandra. She is like the briefing intel feeding helpdesk in this game. You play mission to mission unlocking them in secuence. you can choose from 4 diffrent difficulty settings:
AGENT: if you cant hit a tank with a machine gun
SECRET AGENT: your good at shooters but not the master
PERFECT AGENT: you are the master
DARK AGENT: this is brutal you will die for sure. this is gonna take a while

GRAPHICS: they are splendid and if this is the standard for 360 where in for one really nice looking ride.
only it gets a 9 because everything shines a bit.

the first mission is indeed training and while explain all the neccecary things shortly. but the mission afterthat can be a little confusing. Jack will say that you need to keep you head down. so i just put on the silencer and make headshots. after the first i get like : didnt Jack said to keep your head down?

Basicly this is a stealth mission, only the problem is you haven't done it in this game yet so you really need to play the mission allot if you want to truly make it stealthy what is indeed a must ore else you cant complete your first objective.

the following missions will go till half through the game and then take a the story fore an overhaul. i wont explain for the people who dont whant it to be spoiled. but is goes whay to fast! a little explaination and you get a new sexy outfit and BOOM you part of a new team.

Talent on the voiceacting could have been bether cause the enemys have taunts like: Ah you shot me! ( no sh%d) why you.......! and , I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THAT! there are allot more and allot more looneyer. also the tone of the voices arent that great. you will hear high pitched voices screaming in agony or taunting you.
Joanna alos sounds a little to young for here age and she has a change of accent from (brittish so ive heard) to american.
also Jonathan a ''commando'' you will encounter sounds like a character from the teletubbies.

and the story on its own is told way to fast
with certain KEY moments like you would called it arent infused with the amount of emotion you would expect in an class AAA game.

CONCLUSION SINGLE PLAYER: is you do not have Xbox live. do not get this game. it doesnt have the value for only offline play.
get call of duty instead. or better get xbox live.

MULTYPLAYER: now this is a good launche game.
you can choose from to main catagorys to play each with there own set of rules:

DEATHMATCH: find you guns on the map mode
Killcount : your basic freeforall deathmathc
Team killcount: team deathmatch
Capture the flag: obvious
Teritoiryal gains : grab hot spots on the map for points for you team

DARKOPS: buy guns with money you start with and can earn by being victoryous and getting kills.

INFECTION: Hard to explain but the most fun for me , but all the modes are fun. think zombies from halo 2. but if not infected you can buy guns
Oslaught: team A holds base and buys guns, team b attacks and have infinit lives but cannot buy guns.
Eradication: every body hase one life and buys guns. you eliminate the opposite team for points.
Sabotage: destroy enemy equipment and take turns in defending your equipment.

I am a halo2 fan but i have to say PDZ is better. the amount of options to play it online are absolutely allmost endless. go stealth with silenced weapons detection gear and a sword.
go rambo with a heavy machine gun and explosives
and so on and so on. the guns are WONDERFULLLLL AMAZING. they are incredible detailed and have realistic sounds (as fare as they are realistic mind). all of then have 2 or 3 functions.
and they are all balaced in such a way that they can all stand up to each other if used the proper way.

there so much to tell about the MP that i could wright on for another hour but i will spair you that.

MULTIPLAYER CONCLUSION: the guns are great. but 2 vehicles suck, althouhg the jetpack with walk mode is fun (like a robot suite from the matrix only striped down allot). the modes are lovely. and the maps although not allot (yet ) can be changed in size changing the way you play completly.

Just read this: have you got an 360?
have you got xbox live?
do you play with honour and do not get pissed when you get headshotted when you just bought a expensive gun?
if the first 2 are a yes and even better the 3e one.

BUY THIS GAME. go one co-op with your friends. revive then when there dead and give them you backup weapon. hold you ground against waves of zombies/skeletons. charge the last man in eradication. blow up everything in sabotage. wipe down 5 guys with an machine gun in a thight corridor with fear for you own life.

play this game, rent this game, borrow this game.

but most of all: play it online.
