straight to the point. the game has so little problems but there big ones.
Im going to start with the AI first. O wait, what AI? AI stands fore artificial intelligence. Which there is none. The AI is as dumb as A brick. The story bored me to sleep. And the fact that I can shoot the AI 2 or 3 times in the head and they don’t die dosent help much. I have to admit that the guns are cool and being able to duel wheeled is sweet. It still doesent help. They could of done grate things with this but they didn’t. I don’t even think they tried.If your looking for a single player game this is not it.
Multiplayer is worse then single player, because its just such a let down. You have to shoot people in the head about 2 or 3 times so they die. even if they don’t have armor. This makes lots of game play problems. You cant even kill some one with a full clip of a smg. Why they shipped the game this way I have no idea. If your looking for a 1st person shooter please do not buy this game. Its worse then pacman.