Excellent game.

User Rating: 9.3 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
I absolutely waited and waited and WAITED for this game to come out, and now that it is finally here, i must say, i am highly impressed. When i first popped it in my 360, i wasn't expecting it to be highly engrossing. Although there are some turning points. You still follow Joanna Dark through her exploits as a top agent, although she doesn't mean Carrington until later in the game, which he looks so much different than his N64 counterpart. You find out about Joanna's past partner's and enemies and how they die, which they die in high resolution fashion. Real beautiful *tear*. Just playin. Seriously, let's get into this review now.

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game far exceeds expectations for me, although i do recommend CoD2 gameplay is superior to PD0's, although i have to say, they're pretty close. The gun feels a little awkward at first with learning to handle the gun and going through the missions with companions. The firefights get real intense in certain spots. And then, although the enemies are relatively smart, PD0 shares the same problem that most FPS games share nowadays. Easy and Normal difficulty settings, the enemies are kind of weak, put it on Perfect or Dark agent, you need a few cheat codes in order to beat the game on those difficulty settings. It's common though. The weapon i love the most is the Shotgun, i absolutely love this gun. I use it all the time in online play, and i beast with it. So if you see me online (platinumrug05 is the gamertag) with a shotgun, BEWARE!!!!

Graphics: Graphics are next-gen in my opinion, it looks better than Halo 2 at the maximum requirements for the regular Xbox, so i mean, that means something when coming from certain gamers. I found a little bit of shady spots when it comes to online play, bodies will fly around uncontrollably and other glitches will happen, and it's slightly annoying. But not that much. The new quirky type feeling to the character models is weird at first, but you'll learn to get used to them as time goes on.

Audio: I love the voice acting in this game, however the lines could have been better. "Shut up, before i drop you like a bad conversation" is a wonderful excerpt from Joanna's father. Excellent line people. The guns sound authentic and quirky, especially for a luanch title game.

Value: I find value in this game to be really promising. If you can go through the game and beat it on single player on Dark Agent mode, then you know you need a girlfriend and a life. No offense. You can play online co-op, so just in case you don't enjoy playing games by yourself, you can easily get with a friend and go through the entire game on all difficuly settings. You can even do it with complete strangers, that is the wonders of Xbox Live.

Reviewer's Tilt: The game is super awesome and i highly recommend it to people. Although, watch out, once Halo 3 comes out, (i fear) that PD0's online multiplayer will soon drop. So until it comes out, get as much play out of the online services as possible. Also, get a 12 month subcription if you haven't already.