I am dissapointed with this game. I was waiting a long long time for this game to come out. I was expecting a lot more from this one. I think its because it looks like the people are skating and not walking. For a next gen game i would expect the people to look like they are walking. Dont get me wrong this game is not the worst. this game is a soild first person shooter., but it looks like this game should be on the xbox and not the xbox 360. There will never be anything better then 007 james bond and teh orginal perfect dark for the N64. Alot of people like this game it was worth playing through the whole game and the muili player isnt all that bad either. enjoy
By Madskillz999 | Review Date: Jan 06, 2006 | X360
Perfect Dark Zero is one of my favorite release titles for the XBox 360. The graphics are gorgeous, the main character has personality, and it's a good combo of shooting, stealth and puzzle solving. I've been testing... Read Full Review
At first i wasn't so excited about how perfect dark zero would handle and if it would live up to its predecessor, but i can honestly say that this game is all it should be and possibly the best launch title for the X360... Read Full Review