This game is a massive dissapointment.
To answer that question, this game is pretty bad. Where do I even begin? The level design is boring and bland
The missions are boring, as well as being poorly structured
The story is incoherent and uninteresting
The missions are very short, and there aren't that many of them
The auto-aim feature is completely broken and useless
Some of the enemies take an absolutely rediculous amount of bullets to kill
Head shots only work about half the time
The friendly AI is terrible
Checkpoints are few and far between, and are badly placed
The game can get extremely frustrating at times, due to all of the above.
The graphics are at least decent, and some of the weapons are pretty cool, too. Sorry, but those alone do not save this game in the least. I'd like to know what the hell compelled the GS reviewer to give this game a 9. I couldn't think of a game less deserving of such a high score, except for Gears of War. Try reserving those scores for games that are actually worth it. Perfect Dark Zero is a total let down. There are countless other shooters that do what this game tries to so much better.