Perfect Dark Zero, fun but flawed.
- LOS, or, "Line Of Sight". in most shooters, as it should be, if you are completely conceled, you will not be getting shot at, well, because you are completely concealed. but, in perfect dark, this seems to not apply as you are crouching in a (or so i thought) concleaed location for cover, and getting hit by guys with pistols 150 yards off. -Hit A for "take cover". Please. for gods sake, dont add little extra button moves for the sake of adding a fake layer of depth. On some levels there are a handull of places to take advantage of this tactic, while on others it is completely abandoned, as if the designers forgot what game they were working on.
-"WHERE IS HE?!". Often times i find myself saying that as i am running around searching for the guy that is owning me with his assualt rifle. oh, there he is, across the map on a 350 foot messa that would be impossible to get to without a helicopter.
-The "Story". the storyline, at best, was "meh" with me until the scottish quilt guy started directing the missions in his annoying scottish accent, and is so wacky and thrown together it makes grandia 3 look somewhat immersive.