Not a bad game, but not a great game. But, it's also fun and worth the purchase.
We'll start with the graphics:
Being one of the first "next-gen" titles, it looks brilliant. It's definitely nothing ever done before on an Xbox. It's technically proficient with some great lighting and the guns are incredibly detailed. However, to counter this... Perfect Dark Zero is colorful. Too colorful, in fact unattractively so. It looks more like bad anime than an FPS. Sure, they are nice graphics, but it's just ugly.
For the graphics, I give it a seven. Sure, it obviously has good graphics... but it's not nice to look at.
Well, this game has some great intuition into it! There's a cover system that isn't hard to use at all. You get up againt a wall and then you pop into third person perspective and you can shoot like Scott Mitchell in GRAW. Well... it's there... but it's also pointless. You could easily just pop in out of cover in First person mode. It's there and could come in handy, but there is no reason I should see the A button every time I get near a wall. The health system is obnoxious. It's an intuition, but it's annoying. You get shot and it drains a lot of your short term health and a bit of your long term health. Your health will only recharge to your long term health's bar. In other words, you lose as you go but not completely. You'll get used to having a lot of health but then you'll lose a lot and the difficulty fluctuates. Not good.
Shooting is easy and it's a breeze. It feels good to shoot people yet again (bluntly put). However, the people do not move or take damage like real people at all. They walk around like the biggest bafoons this side of Arkansas (and there are a lot of bafoons there!). Then it takes quite a few rounds of anything to take down even the smallest grunts of enemies. There are a few other things not worth mentioning, but they mostly just shy of being mediocre. I have to give the gameplay... a four.
It's actually great! I loved the upbeat, techno-ish soundtrack. The guns sounded just right and the voice acting was great too. The sound gets a nice 10. As per value, as I mentioned above, it was worth the purchase. Even with its shoddy gameplay. Value is a nine.
Finally, we come to my favorite part: the TILT!!!! MUUAAAAAA!!!
I'm tilting it a nine. Why a nine? Well, the multiplayer is fun. Even by yourself it's fun. Let's say you really want to play online, but your internet died. So what? Perfect Dark Zero is one of the few games on consoles that still supports bots. It also has a lot of modes and it can be great fun. Therefore, nine. On average, this game gets a SEVEN POINT EIGHT (7.8). However, Gamespot has helped me adjust it to 7.5. Why don't I round it up properly? Because an A game doesn't deserve a AA ranking.