Fun For the First week after that forgettable
Perfect Dark Zero
This is NOT what the 360 can do ive played COD2 and Rare COuldve done much better, some of the enviroments are pretty cool but the characters look like someone took a crap on their faces,
Well now the sound i must say the Voiceovers in this game are funny the first few times u hear them but then they annoy the living hell outve u cuz they suck really really badly...
Well if u have played an FPS then uve played PDZ..the multiplayer is fun for a little while but the characters move slow and some weapons are too overpowered *cough*Superdragon*cough**cough*and not to mention that it takes like 300 shots for a gun to kill you, the vehicles arent that fun to drive, ther are only 2 of them, yes they added lil mini games for the different gadgets but they are wayy to easy. the AI is soo stupid u can walk up to them and it will take a few seconds for them to notice you, the co-op play is ok but sometimes on the harder difficulties its a pain in the A** just to get to the next obejective, Rare Really Dropped the ball when it comes to innovation in an FPS
with the crappy single player the ONLY remaining value left in this game is the multiplayer and trust me its no halo 2 when it comes to fun factor,
this game was fun for the first week but after that it got old and repetitive after dishing out 69.99(canadian)to get this is feel used,
RENT IT there are better games to spend your money on.