Though far from perfect, Perfect Dark is a worthwhile purchase if only for the multiplayer.
So I had high expectations for this. And it hasn't met them, but it's still a decent enough shooter.
The graphics are decent enough, though the only standouts would be the guns - they look absolutely terrific. Voice acting is mostly decent and I love the music.
Singleplayer Perfect Dark is just a no thrills shooter. It's not to say it's bad, it's just extremely generic.
Multiplayer is where it's at. I can't play online, alas - but splitscreen's always been my preference and it's great here. I'm glad they kept the bots in too.
Not enough shooters these days have bots, atleast not console shooters.
If you liked the first one, then this would be worth getting - if only for the multiplayer and the sake of completion. There are better shooters out there though.