It is worth a rental, although the online is pretty fun, it is not a game I would care to own.
User Rating: 7.8 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
About 10 hours of gameplay unless you play it on the hardest setting. On the hardest setting it really becomes a whole different style of game-play. More of a stealth thinking game. Graphics – over all they look very good. The textures are some of the nicest looking ones, although some look lame like they came out of regular xbox. Polygons are smooth, and character animation looks nice. The way people die however is pretty lame and unrealistic. The settings are the best part, and the environments are cool. Gameplay - gameplay is fun, even the online is fun. I like that you have two different games in one if you play on the hardest settings verses normal settings. On normal settings it is easy to run and gun, using some tactical strategy, but this will not work on the hardest setting. You must think, use stealth, and strategy when fighting. Sound – nothing really stands out to me, but there were some nice songs. I really liked this one Arabic sounding one. Physics – Nothing that stands out. The bodies have a realistic weight to them unlike at times in gears they feel like air bags full of light weight material. However I am most positive the deaths are animated which suck and are unrealistic. Story – When you cannot really remember the story you know it was not that good. I remember the story, but it still was not that good.