Reason why Rare slacked on Conker Live & Reloaded...PDZ!

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
So, how good is PDZ going to be, we'll most of us will find out tomorrow and most of us cant wait. We all love PD (i certainly do) but is it up to the 'standars' ?
Well take this into consideration:

Developed By Rare ^*^ Check
Joana Dark ^*^ Check<
Great Graphics ^*^ Check
32 PLayers Online ^*^ Check
Fun Gameplay ^*^ Check
Cheaper than other XBX360 Titles ^*^ Check
Hot Babe ^*^*^ Check<
Plays on XBOX360 ^*^ Check
Great Coop ^*^ Check
...And did i mention that hot babe.. umm joana dark, ya the one who reminds me of Angelina Jolie ^*^ Check

So if someone didnt like the remake of Conker (which was great) then you better stop complaining because PDZ is Rare's way of saying *HERE YA GO B*itches*