Been waiting for a LONG 6 years for this game to be released!!!

User Rating: 8.1 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
U've probably think to urself u gotta get ur hands on this game after playing the flawless version on the N64. I mean, dude, bk then when i first played the game, i was speachless... ur basically just sitting on ur sofa thinking OMFG... you just needed to play the first level and u instantly feel the flawless quality on the game & u knew what the game could provide next wid the best multiplayer deathmatch ever made!

On the day I brought the Xbox 360 wid Perfect Dark 0, I was just so god damn happy. I honestly couldnt describe that feeling of joy. Who cares if u paid $60 for the game. Its 'Perfect Dark' 0 for god sake. So went bk home and slotted in the game. Held the controller firmly and started playing the game. Dude, wat an awesome intro. You no, it juse gets u into the game right away when Joanna opens her eye. U think to youself this day is gonna surpass that day bk 6 years ago by miles.

Then you play the first level for about 5 minutes and u think to urself. Huh? Am i playing 'perfect dark' 0 here? Then u just suddenly realise this is just an ordinary FPS. I mean yeh, nice upgraded graphics and lighting by the 360, but there wasnt that raw product feeling u had from the N64 version.

Gameplay - A solid FPS. Does most things right with it too. A very innovative 'cover and shoot' added gameplay which brings that sense of stealth and freshness into the game. Too bad you cant see in the direction in which you are leaning against. and only the side views. You wouldnt expect much from a console FPS and I agree that the aiming fucntion does suck a bit since it is quite hard to control the pressure on the button at some intense moments. Added rolling abilty to take cover. too bad u cant switch 2 handed weapons around like u can in halo 2. Fairly slow paced as well.

Graphics - However bad gamers critized the character appearances, I can say one thing, the environemnts are awesome. There is some phat gap between the 2. Characters look like standard ps2 or xbox graphics but wid added lighting shading and texture. 100% NOT Next-Gen stuff!! Weaponary looks solid. Very good material designs and u can see patterns on the grips etc. Satisfied. But honestly, this game's graphics is all about the beautiful scenary.

Sound - Smart move by RARE to select the same composers from the original N64 version. The soundtrack is not just good, but outstanding. They all suit the environments and suituation that your in. And man, I just love the intro song. I might sound cheesy or watever to some people, but i hoenslty think it roxs. I honeslty wanted to give it 10. But the poor character speech and sound effects from guns just pulls the marks down.

Value - Depends if u play multipalyer. Yes u did pay a huge $60 for it. But if u play multiplayer online, it might just balance the scale. There are loads of modes to choose from, and which most of them are really fun to play when u have 16+ players.

Overall, this isnt the game that you guys have been waiting for, for the past 6 years. Its a very solid game with lasting gameplay but it doesnt live up to the Perfect Dark on the N64. Last thing. Definitely NOT next-gen