Perfect Dark Zero is a good rental game, and it does contain good Xbox 360 graphics. Though, the gameplay was horrible.

User Rating: 7.7 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
The game is just simply beautiful, but after awhile your eyes will bleed because of the blending of the colors of the environment. The story is long, and the multiplayer is a good choice, the but gameplay makes me look like an old man playing.

Let's start at the gameplay. Your player will move like slug, and feels like your commands are always three seconds behind. Look, I am a level 32 in Halo 2, but this game will make me look like I am a 32 year old trying to play a future game. I can't get with the controls, and gets me very frustrating at times. If that element fails in a FPS, I surly won't enjoy it.

The graphics are great, but not the best like Oblivion. The graphics seems there and here, but it's not the best looking game like they say in the Main Review. Personally, I don't think that game should've gotten a 9/10. With Game Informer, they really don't rate the game great, but giving this game a 7.75 out of 10 is good for me. Hopefully, the crew will give Oblivion a good score, and maybe Game of the Month.

Story is just off the hook dumb. You will get a headache when you try to play the game. Why care when this game will get you a headache? Maybe I am the only one offended of the graphics in this game. You start as Perfect Dark OP, Dark. Really, you father will um... brain gotten messed up by this machine thing, that all I got through.

If you want good games for the 360, rent this one, then buy Elder Scrolls: OBLIVION, CALL OF DUTY 2, and maybe AMPED 3. And that add beside me is kinda old.