A great game that every Xbox 360 owner should play!

User Rating: 9.3 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark Zero has been labeled as the "Love it or Hate it" game of the Xbox 360. However, alot of the "hate it's" have been derived from gamers who have made inaccurate comparisons to other games and also from gamers unable to adapt to the gameplay and tendencies of the game. While not perfect, PDZ is a game that every Xbox 360 owner should play, if not own.

The story, while not entirely strong, does give you a reason to keep moving forward. It doesn't always make sense, but it does provide the player with more story and character to that story than most games these days. It's nothing to write home about, but it serves its purpose.

The most important thing though is that the action in this game is top notch. The new cover and roll systems work great, and are purposeful enough that they don't become gimicks. The weapons all feel great and differ just enough that its easy to recommond different weapons for different situations. For example. the P9P is a great pistol with a scope and decent power, but its small clip won't do you much in a close fight, for that you will probably need the Ak47 equivalent, which features more bullets but no scope.

The graphics are great. they are a few inconsistencies, but overall you can tell this game was made for the Xbox 360. The graphics style can be descibed as "stylized realism" with players looking slightly exaggerated but you can tell that they are based on real life conterparts of people. The only way I feel you can discount these graphics is if you ONLY care about ultra-realistic graphics, and to that I say, go look at real photographs, because apparently thats what you want. This is a videogame, not a movie or photoalbum.

In the end, this is a must have game for the Xbox360. The single player is fun, the multiplayer is addictive, and it has lasted me for 5 months of play and still is being played in my Xbox360, in addition to Gears of War and Fight Night Round 3.