Looks good, but that´s it.
Story goes that you are a sexy woman named Joanna Dark, who is a secret agent doing some secret job. Unfortunately that´s all I can tell you about the story, because the game itself or the manual gives you pretty much zero amount of information about 1) who you are, 2) what you are, 3) who are you working with and 4) what are you doing. It seems that the game assumes that everyone has played the original Perfect Dark for the Nintendo 64, but unfortunately I haven´t.
Graphics are the best part of this game. Environments and gun models look very good and detailed, but when you get up close and personal you´ll notice that most of the character models are not good at all. Joanna Dark herself has been modeled good, but I still think that Samus Aran in her Varia Suit is much more believable as an action heroine than Joanna Dark in a skin tight cat suit or something.
Sound is good, but not very remarkable either. Luckily the most important thing – shooting – sounds as satisfying as it should be.
Controls are stiff and clunky. I was very disappointed to notice that Samus is a lot more flexible in her Varia Suit than Joanna Dark, who doesn´t have a heavy armor on her. Cover system especially is a joke: it takes several seconds for Joan to take that cover and in a heavy fire fight you really don´t have several seconds to spare.
Enemy AI is another failure: usually they just stand in the open letting you to take aim and shoot. Even if you are just standing still in the middle of 6 to 7 enemies it may take nearly a minute for them to kill you.
Save system uses checkpoints, which in my opinion are too far apart from another.
There are multiplayer modes included, like co-op in the campaign and some regular deathmatch through Xbox Live, but I never made it that far: it´s just not that interesting game.
Perfect Dark Zero is a disappointing game: it looks good, but the storytelling is either a) not good or b) non-existent. On top of that the enemy AI is not so great and the controls are stiff and clunky.