not nearly as good as GS would have you believe

User Rating: 6.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
let me start off by saying that the graphics are fantastic. the sound is alright but there are too many instances where the annoying music's volume will soar over the characters voices and you can't hear whats being said. If you were to beat this game all the way through on one try, it would probably take about six hours. however, if played on Secret Agent mode (the so called "regular" mode) it can be painfully annoying, as you will find yourself attempting levels over and over again, because there is only one checkpoint in the level. The enemies' AI is about as smart as the average gamer, and it takes plenty of bullets to take them down. Head shots work, but in the later levels, almost every damned enemy is wearing full body armor and a helmet. I finally got to the point where i tried the game on Agent mode, and i was shocked at the drastic difference between difficulties. it took me ten minutes to beat the level i had been trying.

overall, it's an okay shooter, but highly overrated by gamespot. and the new cover and fire system does NOT work like you would want it to. in fact, it's rather retarded and i usually don't end up using it at all. if you want a shooter that's all style and no substance, Perfect Dark is your game.