
User Rating: 7.9 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
I remember back in the day when i used to play the game Perfect Dark for N64 it was so much fun that was the game that made me a FPS addict. So one day i hear the next perfect dark will be on xbox i was a sony fanboy and was pissed off i was like "EW XBOX SUCKS" then i got an xbox and liked it so i decided to get a 360. I was so happy to play pdz i was so pumped up and then when i started to play i was like "WTF WHY DOES THE GUN ZOOM SO FAR!!!" and "WHY DO THE CONTROLS SUCK" i played online and had some fun playing infection but then i played agaisnt bots and the AI is close to retarded seriously. I was so mad that rare took one of the best FPS games ever and turned it into crap. This game is good but it doesn't live up to it's expectations. I would suggest getting COD2 or GRAW instead of this game.