it was better than I thought it would be...

User Rating: 7.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
I got mixed messages from this game. Half of everyone said it sucked and the other half said it was really good. Well at the time it came out I didn't have $60.00 to burn (because I just bought my 360 lol) I finally bought it on amazon for $10.00. I liked it. True-to-life guns. The AI can be really dumb at some points of the game. I don't like the fact that there is only like 2 checkpoints to a level so if you die you have to start over. I still liked it. I'd give the story like a 6.5... the story line can get a little unentertaining but the gameplay covers that pretty well. I also liked the soundtrack. I actually bought the soundtrack on cd. So lets add everything up, The story line is a little crappy. 8.0 gameplay, 8.5 soundtrack. As you can see I give the game 7.5. WAY worth $10.00 on amazon lol.