"Cant believe this"

User Rating: 7.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Gamespot no offense but you under-rate games that shoudnt be under-rated but you give this game a nine...a friggen nine. Alright dont believe that people this game doesnt deserve a nine but it does deserve it's attention some where. Graphics arent always pretty as their kinda blocky and the only thing that looks good is when you punch and you dont see the actual character, I never played any other perfect dark games but story-line was stupid because it was so cartoonish and cliche' how the chinese man or w/e he was spoke like something that came out of such cartoons. You're probably thinking o crap this game really sucks but that really isnt the case, Replay value...isnt good until you get the patch since you dont even get any friggen achievments if you dont get the patch some you but some you dont. Good things will be multiplayer and co-op, Weapons are very nice since their secondary attacks arent the usual cliche' types. I really cant say much of this game since it is another generic shooter, I bought it since it was cheap and which it is so you might as well get it, Fix it with the patch get you're self the achievments and enjoy the weaponry. Best thing it has going for it is the weapons and gadgets since they are all unique most of em at least.