Perfect Dark Zero is the best first person shooter since Halo 2 and the Unreal games, which is really saying something!!

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Pefect Dark Zero is a FPS for the Xbox 360 which is so good that I think that Perfect Dark Zero is the best first person shooter since Halo 2 and the Unreal games, which is really saying something!! I really like the controls. They are tight and responsive and are a perfectly fit to the 360 controller. How you obtain differnt weapons is you must finish the level with them. How you carry the weapons is based on size. So you could carry a couple of pistols but only one sub-machine gun. It works well and is more realistic as apposed to people carrying 20 weapons or something like that. The graphics and sound are top notch and the multipayer is really good too. If you like FPS's you will like Perfect Dark Zero. If you like any action game than you will like Perfect Dark Zero. If you play video games you should buy Perfect Dark Zero. It is really amazing.