User Rating: 9 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark zero is a great game and i have to say one of the best so far on xbox 360. The story is before perfect dark (OF COURSE ZERO IN THE NAME) and it shows you how she becomes one of the memebers and why she joined.

Some missions are hard and some are hard to see forcing you to bite your head off and yell at the game or mission giver guy or girl or who ever updates you in the game lol. Neat things are you can use anything for cover, and also use neat gadgets to complete each objective. Missions also let you pick your gear before they start so what ever you finish with at the last mission will be at your weapon pick out screen. Gadgets also can be picked but only 1 per mission so pick which way you want to enter the mission...using a little spider to open doors quietly or use a bomb and blow little cracks and alert the enemy to beat you down with their guns lol up you to.

Music is nicely done and the start intro makes you feel like your james bond in a way lol. Missions are nicely made but 2 missions are poorly made due to TOO MUCH STUFF IN YOUR FACE... you will see when you get to those missions. Bodies also do not disappear so if there is a sniper you shot and he has made you a very evil person because he took out your armor and half your health then why not pay his body a visit and beat it up or push it off a ledge. Over all great game A MUST GET!!!