I expected a LOT more...
MP - now i'm just gonna say that don't play with BOTS online...Theire dummer than i don't know what. Otherwise a solid MP and it adds the game loads of replayability, especially in the co-op part...
Graphics - I don't know why, but everything in this game has a shiny bump-map slapped on it...EVERYTHING! Otherwise it looks mid-high with some choppy parts. And DAM does Joanna have a sexy ass and nice boobs :D!!!
When shes climbing the ladder and it switches to 3rd person, i don't know if this is meant to be this way, but shes ass goes from one side to another a bit too naughty :D!!!
Sound - It's good nothing bad to say!
Value - i didn't really live up to the story. It just does not say anything to you! Your father is an idiot and it's a wonder why hes still alive! You go around saving him. BTW he's specially idiotic in escort missions...For god's sake don't just stand in the middle of the street in sniper fire!!!