An rushed shoddy game that doesn't live up to its predecessor in any way shape or form.

User Rating: 5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark Zero looks like a great game. Its graphics are very well done and have a unique polish to them. However this is where the praise for this game ends.

Perfect Dark Zero is the prequel to its Nintendo 64 predecessor Perfect Dark. While Perfect Dark Zero was a great game and one that still has a single player campaign that was a blast to play Perfect Dark Zero delievers none of that.

The story is tepid shallow and bland the characters are annoying and lifeless. Joanna Dark is cardboard and lifeless.

The weapons are annoying and enemies take way to much ammunition to the skull to kill. You would think that a single well placed headshot would be enough right? Wrong what will happen is that you will shoot one enemy in the eye knock some of his armor off and watch as he rushes away to alert more enemies to your presence. The game has zero replay value and you won't want to play it more than once anyway.

The graphics are breathtaking and remarkable considering how rushed this Xbox 360 launch title was.

The game tries to incorperate stealth mechanics but due to the one track AI and the disasterous gameplay this is impossible. The soundtrack is lame and has none of the industrial avant garde tracks that added to what made Perfect Dark so great.

However the game is cheap around 8 dollars american so play it once and destroy it afterwards.