An all-around good game. If you are lucky enough to have a Xbox360, you should get PDZ.

User Rating: 8.3 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
This game has been a long time coming. Set before the awesome Perfect Dark that was on the N64. PDZ is a all-around good game.

PDZ has you play as Joanna Dark. Along with her father Jack Dark, you are trying to take down Datadyne, a huge corparation that is developing a mysterious new tech.

The PDZ story is not very good. The single-player is best played in co-op. The AI in PDZ is substandard. However the action makes up for it.

The controls in PDZ feel clunky and slow. Aiming can be a pain at times. However, PDZ has some good elements to it. Covering and de-arming your oppenents is very cool. You can take weapons from your enemy if you find your self low on firepower.

The guns in the game are all great. There are tons of weapons some have a very cool futuristic feel.

The sound in the game is ok. I myself, like the music in PDZ, it fits the game just fine. The voice acting is awful, and will get on your nerves( wait until you hear the multiplayer annoucer).

The graphics are hit and miss. Some places look good, some look just plain ugly. The player models are not impressive. The framerate also takes a hit in some places.

The big selling point for PDZ is the mulitplayer over XBL, which is the best part of the game. You can customize almost everything, you can even scale the maps to fit the number of players. You can also play with computer controled bots. The only gripe with multiplayer is the sheer amount of damage it takes to kill someone, but you can lessen it if you wish.

Gamemodes consists of DM, TDM, CTF, eradication, Infection, Sabotage, and Territory Gains.

If you liked the 1st PD, you will love PDZ. It might take some getting used to. This is not like Halo, which might throw some off, but it's soild none the less.