Perfect darK Zero by Derek .ss

User Rating: 5.7 | Perfect Dark Zero X360

Because of the original perfect dark the commercials drawed me in to this game, i used to play the 2 player game with my brother, which i must say was very enjoyable. But to me this game was not as i expected it to be, this game as overall boring and should hav been made into a 3rd person shooter, but even then the game would have disapointed me because the lack of effort to make me more interested in the game. Although the graphics of this game were extordinary, the levels and the objectives were not that fun to play. There were some other features in the game that kept me going. For example the variety of weapons that you are allowed to use. But overall to me Perfect Dark Zero was a dull game that was put a lot of effort in but failed to amaze me, therefore a dissapointment.