Doesn't live up to the hype.

User Rating: 5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
I've read the reviews and I'm a bit confused. First off, the game doesn't look particularly gorgeous. The graphics are relatively nice, the environments pretty lush and what not, but the game is in no way stunning.

Secondly, the enemy AI is ludicrously stupid and all-knowing. Considering the amount of missions where stealth is supposed to come into play, the game fails miserably - sneaking is next to impossible, as one cannot tell when the enemy will be able to see you. I've played a situation over and over - sometimes the guards see you, sometimes not. It's impossible to tell and much easier to just sprint in and start firing. Also, when someone DOES see you, guards you can't even see, from really far away, just start shooting you. Even if you run and hide, they magically find you.

Third, the aiming sucks. No matter how much you adjust the sensitivity, you feel like you're all over the place with aiming. It's pretty difficult if not impossible to be super accurate unless you are totally concealed, zoomed in, and tracking a guy's head. Multiplayer suffers from this same problem. I realize this isn't a mouse and keyboard but c'mon - halo2 plays nicely and so does gears of war.

Fourth, the missions are pretty boring with one or two exceptions. The backstory is basically non-existent, and the missions entail killing everyone and getting to the end. There's no intrigue or excitement.

The best thing going for this game are some interesting multi-player matches, but the aiming thing I previously mentioned makes these not for very serious players.

I kept trying and trying to play this game but got so bored by the 5th mission that I rarely play anymore. I wouldn't recommend buying this thing.