Still gorgeous three years later and It'll keep you coming back for more.
User Rating: 9.2 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Over three years ago a title comes out and is hyped to be the release date killer app. for the 360. Only months later gamers and even a couple of critiques begin to slander it saying that it was poorly conceived, had bad character models, awkward controls, ....and blah blah blah... But being as that the first Perfect Dark made for the 64 is still one of my three most favorite games ever, I not only bought the title as soon as it came out, but purchased a 360 just to be able to play PD Zero (though that was not my only reason, 360 has always been at the top of my console list even after all the product errors). Well, I will be honest...while Rare is also my most favorite developer, I WAS IN FACT DISAPPOINTED. Yeah, you see I had expected this game to rate at least a 9.5 when in fact I felt after many hours of single-player, co-op, and multi-player not only was it not the quite the killer app it was said to be, but I also felt the game only deserved a, get ready for it, a.........9.2. Yeah, it was that bad. Seriously, this is an excellent game and is one any true FPS fan should pick up. I was playing Conker: Live and Reloaded (also one to pick up if you like....urm, well games in general) with a friend when I began talking about how good of a game Perfect Dark Zero was. I suddenly felt an incredible desire to play it. So I throw the power off and through it in. Ok, so here is the thing: I've been reading all these **** reviews all you gamers have wrote about "poor mechanics" and "horrible graphics". Well over three years later, this is still in the top five for most polished FPS (as well as most all other genres) graphics. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. The AI is great; though it does get a little sticky at times, the AI also excels at other times. The weapons set is the best I've seen this side of the 360 and the title offers many more game types than most other FPS the 360 has seen thus far adding plenty of replayability. Live alone is worth the buy although I am more particular to the single player campaign and therefore spoiled once again by Rare. Another consideration is that Rare tried to create a prequel to a game that was made two generations prior to the current, or rather next, generation of consoles. Though a few small changes could have made the game a bit better, it is, was in my opinion not only a success in contrast to the previous title (which is still somewhat superior), but is also a success as a stand alone title. Although I understand this may not be the type of FPS for every gamer, it is beyond me why some of you can not see just how solid this game is. I studied game design and development for two and a half years and now have a BA in Game Design. I have seen not only horribly crappy titles as well as impressively cutting edge titles, but I have seen and know how such titles come into existence (for the most part as many developers like keep special techniques to themselves gaining an upper hand in the industry) even so I am very impressed by ALMOST every aspect of this game. My further concern is that, due to all the slander people loosely throw out about this game, Rare will throw the towel in on the series all together which would be a crying shame as PD Zero still has so much potential that has not yet been tapped. So to all you have spread such poor criticism; please knock it off, your going to ruin it for those of us who truly enjoy good, WELL DESIGNED AND DEVELOPED titles. And to everyone else, PICK IT UP, ENJOY IT, don't be afraid to form YOUR OWN OPINION instead of jumping on the band wagon like these other guys, ENJOY IT SOME MORE (its one you will keep coming back to), and look for me online. Peace.
P.S. I also understand that it is a fairly difficult title (especially on harder settings) and how that may waiver the opinions of some. But some more hardcore games such as myself tend to like such a challenge. Don't be too quick to write a game off as being bad just because you have a hard time beating it. Maybe you should just practice a little harder before bad mouthing a great great title and making it harder for good companies to stay afloat (though I'm sure Rare is in better than excellent standings at the moment).