While not as good as Perfect Dark, PD0 offers some enteraining and fast-paced moments.

User Rating: 8.1 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark was released six years ago on the Nintendo 64. It was an absolutely amazing game with breathtaking graphics and memorable gameplay. Perfect Dark 0 is the prequel. It features some great improvements on the first game, but it also has some flaws.

GAMEPLAY: Perfect Dark Zero has some fairly standard single-player gameplay. You have various weapons which increase in power, there are many scripted sequences, etc., etc. The only big difference is the ability to take cover. In PD0, you can take cover behind a box, a wall, or something of that sort. This cover system can be useful, but it is not very well implemented and it is hard to get used to at first. The single player storyline is fairly weak and predictable, but there are plenty of action sequences that make up for this. The multiplayer is much more fun than the single player. There are several gameplay modes, including old standards like Deathmatch. Overall, the gameplay in Perfect Dark Zero is pretty good, but nowhere near as incredible as the original.

GRAPHICS: I was amazed when I started a new game for the first time. The opening cutscene doesn't look up to par with the Xbox 360's capabilities, but once you get into the game, you realize that there is much more here. The guns look great and environments are amazing. There is even a great motion-blur effect. However, the character models can look ugly at times. And there are several glitches like clipping errors that arouse at times.

SOUND: The audio in Perfect Dark Zero is fine, but there are some pretty big flaws. Most guns sound excellent, but others sound a little weak. The voice acting is kind of bad and I find the music very annoying. Techno music comes on at all the wrong moments and really ruins the atmosphere of the game.

VALUE: While you probably won't keep coming back to the single player campaign, the multiplayer experience will keep you hooked. As long as you have Xbox Live, this game will last you a good long time. Online battles can get downright insane at times and it is much more fun than story mode.

Perfect Dark was a revolutionary game with cutting edge graphics, sounds, and gameplay. Perfect Dark Zero is a fun game, but several major flaws keep it from being as great as its predecessor.