Ok its not the greatest FPS ever, but its a great game at that.
The gameplay is basic FPS, R trigger shoots, and stuff like that. There is a roll feature which makes the game more realistic. Also the guns themselves are realistic, there is no fake guns, most of them are around today. There is no Auto-Aim which is why some people complain about the controls, also the game is not a pushover, its quite challenging. There is three difficulties: Agent ( easy ), Secret Agent ( normal ), Perfect Agent ( Hard ), And Dark Agent ( impossible ). The game offers a little challenge on secret agent alone, and perfect agent is incredibly difficult.
The sound effects on this game are supurb. Some good music in some of the levels, and the guns sound effects are good. You hear a very realistic "click" when you reaload a gun, also a very realistic "shot" when you fire.
The graphics are incredibly criticized by a lot of fans, but they are actually very good. The guns are incredibly detailed, shiny, and new. The humans themselves are done poorly. Some of the effects that PDZ has, is very detailed wall textures, the floor itself is gorgeous, and the explosions are very well done.
A lot of lasting appeal, including a very deep online multiplayer. The single campaign is very good, a little on the short side. The multiple difficultys on the campaign can add to the replay value, also collecting the guns can add more to the replay value. Online is kind of like Halo 2, or other generic FPS. There is a lot of modes to play in, ranked or unranked matches, and a lot of achievements online. the game has 50 achievements so it will add a lot to the replay value.
Perfect Dark Zero is a great Xbox 360 title, and is incredibly underrated because it had to live up to a huge hype. The problem with PDZ was that it was hyped as 360's best launch title, and the prequel too one of the greatest FPS in history, the original Perfect Dark. This game is a must buy for current XBOX 360 owners, and is a game that shouldnt be passed up.