What can I say? Weekend rental.
The biggest drawback for me is that the controls seemed very awkward. Nothing seemed to gel, and it completely lacked the fluidity which made Halo so popular.
The best feature of this game, in my opinion, is the graphics. When I first popped this game into my Xbox 360, my eyes lit up like an eight year-old child at Christmas. It was beautiful; the incredible lighting, glints on the weapons and the tile floors, the flashy-looking explosions. But the graphics are truly the only thing I can find to complement.
I've had nothing but bad experiences playing this game online. Maybe it's just my luck, but I have yet to play a match which didn't hurl me out within ten minutes of joining, thanks to lag. The bots were a nice touch for those who don't have Live, but even slaying bots couldn't help this game out of mediocrity.