User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Theres alot of great stukk about this game this is the only game and I mean the only game to rush out and buy now . I have the LTD edition there's not that much difference accept the extras but at walmart they are both the same price so pick up the LTD version the case alone is worth it .Back to the game though this games multiplayer is excellent I and my opinion hate to say it is better than halo in terms of fun and objectives it has more meat basically The jetpacks are fantastic but I wish there were more vehicles. The story mode has some excellent levels and some well it cant be all good even halo 2 suffered in that case .replay value for this game is very high and most people who bought a 360 have this game and i have yet to not be able to find someone to play either coop mode or deathmatch so you will find players from everywhere around the globe.