A big dissapointment but makes up with it in its online and multiplayer aspects which are amazing.

User Rating: 7.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark Zero

Perfect Dark Zero or PDZ for short is the Prequel the the amazing N64 original Perfect Dark which was an amazing game and one of the best FPS out there which gave PDZ alot to live up to and that being an understatment. PDZ in short was a dissapointment , sure it was a launch title and they are not always going to show the consoles true potential but Rare had 5 years to work on the title and many were expecting greater things from it.

The Offline is dissapointing , great graphics even though getting too close to characters can sometimes look ugly. Heavy framerate problems at times and the game feels somewhat awkward to controll sometimes for anonymous reasons.The game has 14 missions the best in my opinion being the Jungle level late in the game. The game has a dissapointing plot and storyline alike but most dont play Fps's to get a good story so this is a forgivible point. The game features around 15 weapons in general and lets you hold only a few at at a time , scrapping the originals gun swiching system which was acclaimed for its originality. The guns in the game are fun to use and dont just fire , they have many functions and abbilites such as nightvision to grenadelaunchers or even a hologram of yourself. So the Graphics of the levels and guns are a small plus point but an ugly framerate all round mars the game throughout.

The games sound is not impressive. Mainly due to the voice actors which in my opinion even I could do better! And the gun sounds are nothing special either but the game does hold an impresive sound track ranging from Rock to Dance as heard in the Nightclub early in the game. But the Voices and gun sounds brind the overall sound score down.

So the Offline was a dissapointment maybe the Online will be better you are thinking. Well in a nutshell yes it is a whole lot better on Live. It boasts various gametypes incuding Darkops which is simmilar to Counter Strike where two teams battle it out or if it isnt your idea of fun you get the Standard Deathmatch variant or Capture the Flag which is my faviourite gametype. It features around 8 different levels which can be resized depending on the number of players in your game which can reach as high as 32 players in total. The outdoor maps are dissapointing though and look ugly which gives off a rushed effect which is offputing. You can play 'Ranked' or 'Unranked' matches. Wheather you want to get your rank improved or just want to have fun.

In total some fun can be had playing this game but it will get old fast as it does have so many major flaws which do unfortunetly outweigh the more impressive parts waiting for you in the game.


8/10 Graphics
7/10 Sound
7/10 Tilt
7/10 Value