This game rocks
User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
I am very impressed by this game. it has been a long time since a good first person shooter came out were you can fight bots, or like in the old perfect dark, sims. i still reefer to bots as sims, old habits die hard i guess. so back to the topic, i love how they made all the guns in this game fair. not one is better taht the other, well only for certain jobs. they made it so all the guns ballance out and not one all mighty gun, FARSIGHT cough cough. also the sniping in this game is more difficult than all the other guns no and you need some skill to do it. the one shot and reload is awsome, because if you are online and you get shot with a sniper and dont die, now you have time to get out of the way and head for cover, unliess you get hit in the head apparently. and i talked to some people who didnt like the game, they said it was to different from the old game, so i told them to shove it. i told them the reason it is so different is because it is going from a consol from two generations ago, to a 360, I LOVE IT. so then they had to rethink their former logic. so in my mind this is by far the best shooter since halo combat evolved, sory i didnt like halo 2 that much they got away from the main character to much. so taht is my stoy and im stickin to it.