This game has good Umfp to it, but you can find it lacking, better than most MMO rpgs...
Visuals: 10-6 out of 10
The visuals of this game is stunning, and sometimes I've stopped just to look at the environment, and take a screen shot, but if its not on the highest quality this game can look VERY bleak, dull, and even repetitive in environment. So it gets a 10 on the highest quality, but a mere 6 if you put it on low, or edit medium because you need a good computer to handle all of it, a computer not a ot of people have.
Intro/Game play: 7 out of 10
The tutorial gives you a basic idea of what to expect for the next 119 levels, which is good and bad. Quests will send you out to kill countless mobs, or sometimes there is a time limit, and god forbid you need a quest drop at the higher levels, it may take hours, and that's only lvl 60. There is a couple breaks where you can spend some of the in game currency to essentially buy spirit (how you upgrade skills in combination with a sum of coins) and exp after waiting 10 minutes once a day. So daily log in can pay off with a number of things after level 30, which is when you get a flying mount finally id you didn't choose winged elf, who get a set of wings just are good as a lump of sheit for any class. So yes, fly is nice, but it was the developers way of making the game boring while you go from A to B for half an hour in bleak nothingness.
So sum of, quests get boring fast, but if you manage to find a Faction with skype or something it can very much lighten the mood and make it last longer for you, as a fun experience might I add.
Story is non existent if you ask me, you always mash the yes prompt out of boredom and just wanting to get it done, plus, if you knew why they wanted you to do things, you'd begin to question wtf you are doing even playing this game for such a foolish reason.
Does it keep you busy? If you have about 5 hours to spare for whatever reason or you just want a half decent Mmo, look into it, it sure as hell beats; metin2, flyff, feista, twomoons, the list goes on, that's why its one of my top two Mmo's worth looking at.
P.S There are glitches on certain graphics cards where clothing disappears off people who wear 'Fashion' and they are left stark nude, along with other funny and weird things, like the fact over the south part of the map near tide born area, there is literally two moons, or are you on a moon orbiting a planet! still haven't figured that one out yet...