Read this for a fair review. Perfect World is an ambitious game, but it doesn't reach it's full potential.
Perfect World is a good game in as an idea, but there are many aspects that it doesn't do very well. First, the pvp system is totally bad, most fights at mid-higher levels do not last very long, as every class does insane damage but doesn't have enough hp to take a few hits properly. the worst of this case has to be Mages/Wizards. Mages kill everything really fast but can only take a hit or two of melee attack before croaking. The leveling difficulty for Mages is also extremely hard, because as a Mage, you don't do much more damage then the other classes until level 50 or so, but you always get killed very easily. A normal mob could hit you 4-5 times and your completely dead. Archers drain mana like crazy, Werefoxes/Venomancer have solo leveling way to easy, Werebeasts/Barbarian do puny amounts of damage to mobs at lower levels making it very hard to level one. the leveling system is also boring, Just kill this kill that, but hey, most games are like that. flying mount system is also bad. However there are some good things about the game
The graphics are beautiful on extremely high settings, and the music is almost meditative. If played right, this game can envelope you in a fantasy world, or if played differently, this game might just frusterate or piss you off. Soloing this game is epicly boring but somehow becomes tons more fun if you do it just with one more friend. The dungeons are raids are pretty much generic, you have dps, tank, healing so on and so on. However the one part of the game that I like are the halls. Where you go through to get mats to make stronger items. If done right, this experience can be very rewarding, or if done wrong, you might also get frustrated or angry.
Also if your the type (I know I'm not) you can marry or whatever and go sightseeing, the graphics in this game are amazing on high settings and sight seeing is very rewarding, with beautiful landscapes, and very different landscapes, everything from hellpit hole swamps, to snow covering asceding mountains. Also the jumping in this game is fun, you get to chinese ninja jump from rooftop to rooftop or on mountains.
In all the game is above average, I play it, I still play it, I don't love it, but it's still fun in a way. It's worth a go, some people will love this game, some people won't, depends on your style and standards. However, this game isn't nearly good enough to make me want to spend my money on it.