Sorry, I do not really understand why anyone would think this is a good RTS game. The graphics is nice at first glance, but the lack of details and polish is fundamental. Having aliens stream at you like a flow of particles instead of having to be managed and use AI to get you is not interesting at all. There's no good story, and the game gets dull, repetetive and tedious fast. They try to be inventive, but it takes away all what is working with RTS games, and replaces them with experimental ideas that does not. Why this got a 8.2 at Gamespot is beyond me... Try Ground Control 2 instead, it is in a completely superior in all ways...
A fantastic and innovative strategy game that truly "thinks outside the box." The most important thing to understand about Perimeter is that it is often much more concerned about being different than, necessarily, any g... Read Full Review
Perimeter is a real-time strategy game. Bored already? Thinking of dozens of C&C clones and other clickfests? Don't, because this game isn't like that. It's difficult to explain the game mechanics and even more diffic... Read Full Review