User Rating: 4.4 | Perimeter PC
After reading the previews and seeing the reivew of 8.2 on Gamespot, I decided to try this game out. But whoa, is it bad!!! The Story is unfulling, to say the least, there is no sense of purpose at all. Secondly There simply seems to be a continual flow of Ant like and Bat like creatures that seem to do nothing but marche into obtects damaging them. Your forces are not much better, there seems to only be one real grouping of your units so as you build new units they will all move to be in the same area. There also seems to be gorges around the your units will retarded walk into and die. FInally the perimeter is just stupid, although it runs off "batteries" or stored energy it always can be activated, if only just for a second, meaning that as you base is attacked you can continually raise it a destroy whatever enemies are nearby. Normally Gamespot is right on, but this last review make me wonder if there are not two games by the same name, one I've played and one they reviewed. As one of the previous reviews say, Try Ground Control 2, its a way way better game.