Perimeter has some amazing gameplay! I don't think I could completly describe it, at least not without missing the whole point of the game! Perimeter takes a shot at moving the RTS genre in a new direction, but the bullet's range just wasn't far enough! It's too bad this game was under the radar of most casual gamers, otherwise, we might be seeing quite bit more originality coming out of the industry! I encourage anyobdy who wants something new in their gaming to go out and get themselves a copy of this game! The graphics could use a tune-up, but lets just look at that as a nice treat for our friends who can't quite afford the latest hardware! The learning curve really depends on how many RTS games you've played, if its not very many at all, you'll probably spend a good hour and a half finding your way through, if you've played a lot of RTS, expect to be frustrated for a good 2 hours, but if you're right in between then you'll understand in 45 minutes or so.
A fantastic and innovative strategy game that truly "thinks outside the box." The most important thing to understand about Perimeter is that it is often much more concerned about being different than, necessarily, any g... Read Full Review
Perimeter is a real-time strategy game. Bored already? Thinking of dozens of C&C clones and other clickfests? Don't, because this game isn't like that. It's difficult to explain the game mechanics and even more diffic... Read Full Review