I want to take time out my day to sing the praises of this game. Not only is it the best game available on PS Vita it is one of my favorite games of all time.
The combat is fun and engaging. Though it is a turn based JRPG the characters are rendered beautifully and I like the rock paper scissors strategy with wind, ice, electric, and fire attacks. But there are also physical, light, dark, and almighty based attacks to mix it up. The story is phenomenal and I would suggest picking up a Vita just to play this game. While mentioning the story I have to mention the social link system where relationships you build with fellow party members grant bonuses to your personas. This extra pieces of exposition with your party members gives you a small bit of emotional investment in them so you actually want to know what happens to them later in the main story. It took me around 100 hours to beat my first playthrough and I turned around and headed back in with new game plus.
Now for all the positives I had said there are moments where you need to spend an in-game day or two grinding through a dungeon to make sure you can take down a boss in the late game. The game tries to help with this by giving optional fetch quests where you can give characters items you find deep in certain dungeons.
Though an upgraded port of a PS2 game, Persona 4 Golden is a game you shouldn't miss out on.