KONG, king of easy achievements
the poor graphics may have turned many people off. i have to admit that for a game on the 360, it looked pretty bad. kong's hair was really rough, the fire didn't llok very good, some of the ground textures were pretty low res and the clip maps on some of the plants were really bad. and there were other things that could have been better, but there's no need to talk about all of that. on the other hand, there were bits and pieces here and there that looked good. the volumetric lighting looked softer and more realistic than most of the other games i've played on the 360. the wet rocks looked pretty cool, especially as the light would change across their surfaces. and i loved the way the light came through the clouds. that was pretty nice.
i still haven't seen peter jackson's king kong to this day (january 28th). so playing through the game came with its surprises. i don't know, maybe the game even strays from jackson's movie to give gamers something a little different. but i was fully aware what was going to happen to kong. anyways, as i was playing i really felt like i was part of the movie. a very easy movie, but none-the-less a part of it. the voice acting was decent, which reminds me... i thought this game had some great surround sound, especially when the rocks would fall around me. the one thing i would change, unless it's in the movie, everyone kept saying something similar to this throughout the entire game, "we've got to get out of this nightmare." the whole game... once was enough.
i thought the gameplay was pretty solid. they gave you several different ways to fight the enemies and they worked. you could either throw spears or bones if you were playing as jack, or if you had the ammo you could shoot the enemies. and because ammo is so limited in the game, you have to plan how you will use it, much like resident evil 4. there will be no rambo style gunfighting in king kong for any of you who might be wondering. kong's controls are very basic also. you don't have to be a combo master to control kong. the little furry guy responds to your simple commands. i think the most important thing about the simple controls is that they allow you to remain in the game. you don't have to stop and think about what button does what.
the only complaint i have about the game was the loss of my game save due to a freeze up. the game froze and i had to restart the 360. when i got back to the menu, there was nothing to load. i had to replay about 2 hours of the game. i also had a glitch where one of the water creatures bit my leg off and it was floating around. weird, huh? i'll try and put that picture up soon. maybe i'll start a blog and put it in there.
creating a game based on a movie is never easy, there is a tight deadline that has to be met so corners are cut. those guys and girls at ubi soft released this game on multi-platforms. so, naturally that is why the 360 version looks like an xbox version. but the guys at ubi soft worked hard to get this game done. and it might be one of the best or the best game based on a movie.
to close, i just want to say that i just got an easy 1000 achievement points.