Cheap movie tie-in. Don't bother.

User Rating: 5.7 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
I’ll admit that when I got a 360, King Kong was not high on my list of games to play on it. It’s not because I haven’t seen the film, but just because my impression of it made it seem like a cheap cash-in on the movie license. And to that extent I was mostly right.

KK is set into two parts: playing as Jack, and playing as Kong. The “Jack” levels play like a boring FPS. The levels are so linear that it’s impossible to get lost. You’re basically just following hallway style caves to get to your objective. Things like using bait to distract other animals on the island are interesting concepts, but poorly implemented since you can only use them in certain situations. The Kong levels are just as boring. In theory it sounds good to play as Kong, but the linear style levels, boring combat, and uninteresting objectives just make it a chore to play.

Graphically, King Kong is not using the full power of the 360. Screen shots of it look good, but when actually playing you realize that all the “good” lighting effects are just static. Texture quality is also sub-par, and looks even worse in HD. The frame rate is also choppy in spots.

The sound department is the only halfway decent element in Kong. Roars, and environmental effects have a nice thump to them, and really sound good in surround. The music lends a nice theatrical feel to the game. The only downside is the gunshots sound flat, instead of loud and echoing like they should on a deserted island.

There is no lasting value to King Kong. No multiplayer. No secrets. You’re literally just playing a game of the movie. About the only thing worth mentioning is that the achievements are super easy to unlock. In fact, the full 1000 points is granted just for beating the game, which only takes about 5 or 6 hours.

The bottom line is that Kong fails to excel at anything. Instead, it just comes off at a cheap movie tie-in, and doesn’t even really succeed at that because any interest I had in the movie, was ruined by this game. I wouldn’t recommend buying this game for any reason. Just rent it if you want easy achievements.