The DS is better than this, really. But then this comes? Come on....
Playability-None, it was way to easy, but the bugs were easily spotted and not even dealt with. The game is super short, about 2 hours, so I was glad when this crap was done. There are a few boss fights, which were very repetitive, which was the only challenge, near impossible though. The bugs, well first, there's the fact that I fell through the ground, instant game over as well, aiming went AWAL after 5 minutes of torture, and voice work skipped through the game's crappy comic-style cutscenes (how original.) Then the only cool parts was the King Kong parts, but there were very few of them, and far spread as well, and over quickly, example, cool stunt, non-epic boss fight against a T-Rex, boring cutscene. Then there was no reward for surviving this torture, not even a YOU WIN! screen.
Graphics-Piece o' Crap, they were pixelated, buggy, boring, ugly, need I say more?
Story-If there is one, doesn't follow the movie, nor does it follow any other of the game's other console adventures. The cutscenes go on for about 15 seconds, making wonder, what is this? A King Kong game, or some random cameo? After a couple of minutes, I caught on, but I was already done.
Worth your time?-No, not even as a rental, it's buggy, boring, repetitive. No success from this buy, I recommend this on another console (PS2 or Xbox.)